Fraxel technology is one of the most effective laser procedures in the world for the treatment of many cosmetic defects.
The laser removes the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which the skin is rejuvenated and tightened, it becomes smooth and elastic. Activates regenerative processes, promoting tissue repair and wound healing. The beam impinges on fibrous tissue, making skin defects nearly invisible in just a few procedures.
The principle of this procedure is that under the action of the laser, old cells are removed, and thus new ones are formed. Fractional thermolysis (photo) (another name for the method) helps to gain elasticity and firmness in the skin, healthy and fresh skin color, helps to deal with pigmentation and effectively fights wrinkles. As a result, you get a young and well-groomed skin.
The popularity of the procedure lies in the fact that Fraxel is absolutely safe for the skin. This device has passed numerous tests and scientists have been able to improve it to such an extent that it does not cause any harm to humans!
§one. What problems are eliminated with fractional lasers?
Currently, there are two types of fractional lasers: these are carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers and non-ablative (or non-ablative) laser systems (such as Fraxel), which differ from each other in the wavelength of the laser (i. e. , the depth of penetration of the laser radiation).
Fraxel devices and similar lasers are designed for patients under the age of fifty with small, shallow wrinkles and moderate acne. Carbon dioxide lasers are aimed at older patients with deeper wrinkles and severe scarring (including acne). Fractionated CO2 systems affect not only the surface of the skin, but also its deeper layers, so the recovery period after such procedures lasts longer than after the Fraxel procedure.
In this article, we will consider softer laser systems using the Fraxel laser as an example.
The Fraxel procedure solves the following problems:

- Sunburn, wrinkles, age-related changes in the face, neck, décolletage, hands, as well as arms, legs and back;
- Some types of melasma;
- Some types of scars after acne and surgical operations;
- sagging of the upper eyelids;
It also reduces the risk of skin cancer (by restoring skin damaged by ultraviolet radiation).
Fractional lasers are not designed to combat redness, but they can be used to correct brown pigment spots quite well.
To get rid of a particular problem, as a rule, three to five sessions are required, which are carried out at intervals of 3 to 8 weeks. The main advantages of using fractional laser systems are minimal risk and almost no discomfort.
What is the difference between Fraxel and Fraxel Dual?
The Fraxel Dual laser is a more advanced machine, so it is more effective (than conventional Fraxel) in fighting age spots and sunburn. It is best to use this device on large areas, such as the décolleté, arms, legs, and back. But if melasma is your main problem, talk to your dermatologist about alternative devices and procedures.
How does the fraxel laser machine work?
The Fraxel laser creates a beam that is divided into a large number of microscopic beams, so during the procedure, not the entire surface of the skin is irradiated, but its individual sections - microzones. Approximately 1, 000-2, 000 such microzones are created in one square centimeter of skin. By penetrating the skin, laser radiation destroys old cells and stimulates the formation of new cells and collagen. During one session, up to 15-20% of sunburned, scarred or wrinkled skin is replaced.
Can Fraxel Rejuvenation be combined with other cosmetic procedures?
Yes. But only injections with permanent or temporary fillers need to be done at least one week after the Fraxel procedure. If you prefer injections, you must first perform the fractional photothermolysis procedure; if you want to do injections first, you'll have to wait three months, and even then the fraxel procedure. As for thermage, it can be done one week before the fraxel procedure or one week after the fraxel rejuvenation.
How long does the effect last after the Fraxel procedure?
It depends on two factors: the characteristics of your body and how well you protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. Your skin will stay youthful much longer if you use sunscreen and wear clothing that completely hides your body. If you visit a solarium or walk for a long time in the scorching sun, the skin will return to its original state in a few months. But if you take care of your skin and carry out maintenance procedures once a year, you will delay aging for several years, and you will look young and irresistible for many years.
When are the first results visible after the procedure? How long does it take to reach the final result?
Many patients notice improvement just a week after the first session. The skin becomes more even and smooth, the natural color returns.
The outcome of the procedure largely depends on your goals. If you are doing a series of procedures, the final result can be obtained only 5-6 months after the start of treatment, that is, when the last session is performed. But even after the end of the procedures, the action of laser radiation will work wonders: for another 3-6 months the process of new collagen formation will last, which means that the restoration and renewal of the skin will continue.
How much do fraxel procedures cost?
Prices for fraxel rejuvenation procedures depend on the country, the clinic you applied to, and the area of the treated area.
§two. Carrying out the procedure
What is Fraxel skin rejuvenation like?

You must arrive at the clinic an hour and a half before the start of the procedure, in total you will have to stay there a little more than two and a half hours. You will be asked to remove your makeup and numbing cream will be applied to your skin. While the cream begins to work, you can read or listen to music, after an hour the cream will be removed and you will be taken to the treatment room. There you will sit comfortably and a thin layer of gel will be applied to your skin, with the help of which the roller of the laser machine will glide a little better. The Fraxel Dual laser does not require gel.
A session lasts about an hour and a slight tingling sensation may be felt during the procedure. Most patients drive on their own after the procedure.
What is Fraxel eyelid rejuvenation?
Before the procedure, patients remove all cosmetics from their eyes and, if they have a permanent tattoo, they notify the doctor about it. Special protective glasses are inserted into the eyes.
The procedure can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids, and fraxel eyelid rejuvenation can be combined with facial photothermy. Slight swelling and redness for two to three days after the procedure is considered normal.
Is special training required?
For 1-2 weeks:
- start making ice
- Buy any gentle facial cleanser
- If possible, stop taking Aspirin and its derivatives.
- stop taking retinols
- Avoid anti-aging drugs
- Suspend procedures that require the use of any glycolic acid
- don't sunbathe
- Stop taking minocyclines, doxycyclines, and tetracyclines
- do not wax
- Don't wash your face with scrubs, don't do microdermabrasion
- If you often get cold sores on your face, be sure to tell your doctor.
The day of the procedure:
- Make sure you arrive at the clinic at the agreed time so that the doctor can take a picture of you and apply an anesthetic cream.
- Have lunch 1-2 hours before the procedure.
- If you drink coffee, at least four hours should elapse from the last cup before the procedure.
- Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable.
- If possible, do not wear makeup and wear contact lenses
- Bring a wide-brimmed hat with you to the clinic so you can use it later to hide your face from the sun.
Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? So this procedure is not for you.
Is your skin prone to hyperpigmentation? Tell your doctor about this, and he will prescribe skin whitening procedures.
§3. after the procedure
How will I look immediately after the procedure is over? How long will the recovery period last?

For the first 24 hours after the procedure, your skin will look as if it has received a severe sunburn. For the first 5-6 hours after the session, every hour for 5-10 minutes, apply something cold to the treated area (eg ice from the freezer).
Immediately after the end of the procedure, the skin will redden sharply, the redness will gradually disappear and it will take three days. As a general rule, patients return to their normal way of life and go to work the day of the session, but many prefer to stay home for a day or two. But it can also happen that the redness remains on the face a little longer. Redness can be masked with cosmetics. The appearance of bruises is also possible: they disappear on their own in a week or two. Therefore, if you are planning some important event, a wedding, an anniversary, carry out the procedure two or three weeks before the planned event.
After each session, the skin acquires a tan tint (like after a sunburn), which can last up to a week or two. The skin can peel and peel, so be sure to use moisturizers.
Remember that to achieve a good result you will have to be patient and go through several sessions.
Instructions for skin care after Fraxel rejuvenation:
- It is possible to eliminate swelling after fraxel, if during the first 5-6 hours after the procedure every hour for 10 minutes you apply cold to the treated area. Wrap the ice in a clean cotton cloth or towel.
- Protect the skin from any mechanical impact, if the procedure was performed on the body, wear loose clothing
- Men can shave only on the second or third day, and this should be done as carefully as possible.
- Refuse for some time to visit the bath and sauna. You can take a shower, but for the first three days the pressure should not be strong, the water should be slightly warm.
- Avoid sports and yoga for the first 48-72 hours.
- Do not drink alcohol for the first two days.
- Put an extra pillow or two under your head at night.
- Avoid sunbathing for at least four weeks and apply sunscreen to your skin. If you need to be outdoors for a long time during the day, apply sunscreen every 2-4 hours, wear a wide-brimmed hat
- One or two weeks after the procedure, do not use retinoids or any product that has glycolic acid in its composition. Before you start using any new cream, be sure to check with your doctor.
- In the first month after the procedure, do not do chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
Will I be able to return to my normal lifestyle immediately after the procedure is over?
No. The fraxel rejuvenation procedure requires rehabilitation: stay home for at least one day, apply cold to the treated skin. You can return to your usual way of life, start playing sports in one to seven days. Swimming in pools with chlorinated water is not recommended for 1-3 weeks. Before you go out, treat your skin with sunscreen (your doctor will recommend it) and be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat.
How many sessions will I need?
From three to five. The interval between sessions should be three to eight weeks. The number of sessions depends on the seriousness of the problem that concerns you. The effect will gradually increase with each session.
§4. Frequent questions
Does the fraxel laser have any contraindications?
Yes, fraxel rejuvenation is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also, do not do this procedure for people who take anticoagulants and drugs that increase photosensitivity.
Does the procedure have side effects?
The most serious side effects are temporary swelling, redness, bruising, blistering, and crusting.
Is there an alternative to Fraxel lasers?
Yes, in addition to soft lasers like Fraxel, there are more powerful ablative (ablative) fractional carbon dioxide laser systems: DOT, Active Fx, and Affirm. CO2 lasers affect the deeper layers of the epidermis, but require a longer recovery period.

Fraxel devices are among the first non-ablative (non-ablative) fractional lasers, which is why they are used more frequently. Fraxel laser systems are preferred by many dermatologists because they provide more reliable and predictable results.
Is it possible to get rid of acne scars with fraxel laser facial resurfacing?
Yes, Fraxel lasers have proven effective in fighting small, superficial acne scars. With deep scars after acne, it is easier and more effective to fight them with CO2 lasers. If you choose Fraxel to treat deep scars, you will need slightly more treatments than if you choose a carbon dioxide laser.
Can Fraxel tighten loose skin?
Do not.
Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles with Fraxel?
The Fraxel resurfacing procedure can significantly correct small, superficial wrinkles. In the fight against deep wrinkles and furrows, Fraxel devices are ineffective. These lasers work best on the skin of patients ages 30 to 50 with slightly sagging skin and shallow wrinkles. And the most striking effect can be seen in people who have received a severe sunburn - it takes three to five procedures to fully restore the skin.